GC1C38T - Lakefront Restoration

GC1C38T - Lakefront Restoration

Cache #3 on a 2 out of 4 day (in the rain).

This was find #2 for me.

I dropped a BRAND NEW Travel Bug!!


GC1QPNN - I Pine for Tennis

GC1QPNN - I Pine for Tennis

Cache #2 on a 2 out of 4 day (in the rain).

This was a DNF #1. I dunno.. I'm pretty sure I got the right "beacon", but I just could not seem to come up with this one...

I'll be back!

GC1E4BX - Paying Memorial

GC1E4BX - Paying Memorial

Cache #1 on a 2 out of 4 day (in the rain).

This was my second attempt at this one, and I gotta ask myself...

How could I have missed it the first time!?!?!

TB29X9N - Father-of-five turns 40!

As promised, I did complete a small "GeoCaching Project". I made a "Travel Bug" in memorial of turning 40 years old!

TB29X9N - Father-of-five turns 40!

Owner: Father-of-five
Released: Thursday, October 02, 2008
Origin: Minnesota, United States
Use TB29X9N to reference this item.
How do Trackable Items Work?

Recently Spotted: In Lakefront Restoration

Current GOAL:
This TravelBug (my first) was released in honor of my (Father-of-five's) 40th Birthday.

I'd really like to see photos of GeoCaching families in or at areas of local interest (from your area) - caching together with this bug!

At some point in it's travels, I would like to see this travelbug make it's way down to Austin, Texas to say hello to Geo-Friend AtHomeDaddy with his caching clan...

About this item:

Since "40" is a milestone birthday, I wanted to create a Travel Bug to celebrate the momentous feat of actually reaching it!

I truly believe that GeoCaching is a WONDERFUL family activity, and (as you may be able to ascertain by my Geocaching name) I am the father of five (wonderful) kids, and have been having a lot of fun Geocaching with them!

(See some of our adventures at my GeoCaching Blog (www.caching-with-dad.blogspot.com)
It would be really great to see photos of Geocaching families from accross the United States associated with this Travel Bug.

Take some time to enjoy your family. Get out together for some family GeoCaching. Snap a photo with this TB (and upload it to share some fun times with YOUR family) while you are at it!

A GeoCaching Project!

I am undergoing a small GeoCaching Project!! (Hint - Travel Bug)

Stay tuned for further info!!

GCRAJP - Trail To Jidana

GCRAJP - Trail To Jidana

#4 on a 3 out of 4 day. This was my DNF.

Flying solo - was at the Minnetonka Police Department for a meeting today. Had to sang a few!


GC13W17 - Civic Center Park 7

GC13W17 - Civic Center Park 7

#3 on a 3 out of 4 day.

Flying solo - was at the Minnetonka Police Department for a meeting today. Had to sang a few!


GC1CYWM - Civic Center Park 8

GC1CYWM - Civic Center Park 8

#2 on a 3 out of 4 day.

Flying solo - was at the Minnetonka Police Department for a meeting today. Had to sang a few!


(I did not see the geo-coin... I'll leave a note there...)

GCQM86 - Civic Center Park 2

GCQM86 - Civic Center Park 2

#1 on a 3 out of 4 day.

Flying solo - was at the Minnetonka Police Department for a meeting today. Had to sang a few!


GCY3ZF - Branchin' Out

GCY3ZF - Branchin' Out

#4 on a 3 out of 4 day.

Glad I did this one before the foilage is out... Lots of thorns!!

With a daughter that takes sewing class in Prior Lake, and an hour to kill each week, I am really working my way through the Prior Lake Caches!


GC1EK1T - Cacher Rejuvenation Center

GC1EK1T - Cacher Rejuvenation Center

#3 on a 3 out of 4 day.

With a daughter that takes sewing class in Prior Lake, and an hour to kill each week, I am really working my way through the Prior Lake Caches!


GC1E4BX - Paying Memorial

GC1E4BX - Paying Memorial

#2 of a 3 out of 4 day. This was the DNF.

Wow, after not finding it, and reading the logs, I am feeling a little silly. Seems like maybe I was looking a little too hard... I'll be back.

GC1HPKV - Elmo's World

GC1HPKV - Elmo's World

#1 on a 3 out of 4 day.

With a daughter that takes sewing class in Prior Lake, and an hour to kill each week, I am really working my way through the Prior Lake Caches!

TNLNSL. Thanks for the Cache!