TB29Q00 - A Team

TB29Q00 - A Team

(True Story....)

"Shhh... Don't tell the A-Team this, but today while visiting a cache called "The Amazing Travel Bug Race Cache" with the intention of grabbing another TB, I placed this one in my shirt pocket while I sifted through the contents of the Cache.

Then, hearing some muggles in the vicinity, I quickly signed the log, and stuffed all the Bugs back in except the one I planned on grabbing, and.... well... and THIS ONE....

When I got home I started up my stairs and heard a jingle in my pocket.... Forgetting it was still there, I reached in and you can imagine my surprise when I suddenly saw....."

B.A. Baracus:
"Hey, you... Father of Five... Come over here...."

"Huh? Me? Um.... Why?"

B.A. Baracus:
"Cuz I pitty da fool who takes my Travel Bug accidentally... You better get back here!!"

"Yikes... Looks like the A-Team is after me... I'd love to finish the story, but I gotta run! Sorry!! I'll be in touch again soon... When it's safe"

(Father-of-five jumps in his little compact car, and peels out as the T-Team (in their uber-cool Black van with the red stripe) take off after him. Both vehicles disappear as they squeal around the corner and out of sight....)

What will become of the Father-of-five, and this Travel Bug he took accidentally? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode!)

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